Red Pill and Blue Pill: Religion and Media Programming Men to Be Blue Pilled

Derrick Lawson
16 min readMar 24, 2021


Red pill and blue pill are divergent ideologies and characteristics of the being by nature, they are both philosophies and way of life that defines an individual, his construction and composition and can predict his manner of being, his expressions and the extent to which he can be self-determined in life. Man as a rational being is given to a certain culture by which he orders his daily living, his perception, and his beliefs. The life in the inside of a man, his consciousness and subconsciousness determine how he sees the world outside of himself, it determines how he relates to it and embraces it, it also determines his actions and the manner of life and ways he chooses to express himself in the world he finds himself.

Nevertheless, man does not exist in isolation, therefore, his thoughts and actions, his perception and beliefs are forged not only by what he is consist of but majorly by what he is fed, by the feelings, actions and words of his environment and that of other humans with which he relates. No one is born having all the information and knowledge of the world and system he is born into by default, he, however, learns everything he comes to know, the beliefs, the ideologies, the way of life and traditions, he believes and embraces them from his environment, society, parents, teachers and a whole lot of other influences by which a newborn is educated and taught the ways of the world.

The world system is such that, every child born into it, is taking through a process of programming by education or unconscious learning, from a tender age, the child begins to learn the language, human thoughts, customs and cultures. He is taught the religious belief and the philosophies held by those before him.

The reason for this programming is to make sure no one becomes divergent but that everyone born into the world system is a conformist, abiding by the rules and dictates that has been set before them; dictates on how to behave, how to act, how to speak, what to believe, what not to believe. Been bound by rules and laws which are meant to govern and limit them to the extent of the culture and way of life of the society. For this very reason the universal man is the same in every part of the world, they may seem to be different in ideologies and ways of life, but in the true sense, they are just alike on the major aspects of life to which they are related.

One of such systems and institutions by which the universal man is being programmed to be a conformist is religion and media. These two are somewhat the most powerful forces and tools by which subconscious recalibration and molding of the man into a desired person by the world system can be achieved. We will look into these later, let's, however, look at the meaning and origins of the red pill and blue pill.

Origin of The Red and Blue Pills

“This is your last chance. After this there is no turning back. You take the blue pill: the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill: you stay in wonderland and I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes” — Morpheus, The Matrix

The sci-fi movie, called “The Matrix” is believed to be the origin of the word the blue pill and red pill philosophies. This is about the most popular conversation in the entire movie, where the protagonist known as Neo meets with Morpheus one of the leaders of the Zion nation who understood the reality of things and who was determined to find the ‘One’ who had been prophesied to save the people of Zion from the machines. Neo was invited to realized and to know what he never knew existed, thus, the red pill meant knowledge, enlightenment and insight into what he never knew existed, while the blue pill meant he goes back home and forgets about any enlightenment into what he didn’t know and his life remains the same.

In the movie, Neo took the red pill in order to learn the ugly truth about his existence.

What Does Red Pill Mean?

People who are red-pilled are often curious about their surroundings and the things they’ve been taught throughout their lives, that are willing to discover any hidden truths regardless of how painful and dark those truths may be, to see past lies for what they really are. Not to confuse you with the black pill, which are people that see the world for what it truly is, a joke, and believe that nothing that has happened can be changed or be reversed. Red pill share some of the same qualities in which they too are able to see the world for how it is. Red pill not only understands and sees the world, believing that things can still be fixed and the world's current problems can be solved through other methods. For some reasons, people that are red-pilled are usually considered nationalists and or national socialists, which are people that advocate for their own countries and the growth of their own race of people based in that nation. However, it extends beyond this scope.

Red pill simply means to open someone’s eyes and mind to the secret truth of something important. Thus, to take the red pill means to decide to wake up and go behind the curtain, to see the world for what it truly is. To take the blue pill means to stay ignorant and live in the same unfulfilling life of following the herd.

Red pill and blue pill have prompted a number of variant pills, such as the black pill which is associated with inceldom who blame women for their lack of sexual activity.

What Are the Reasons for The Red Pill Philosophy?

The red pill philosophy in its simple form is meant to re-engineer the consciousness of the average man, to awaken his mind and spirit to the reality of life, of society, of systems, dogmas and statuses, most of which are instituted in bias to reduce, silent, malign, and tune down his masculinity, his self-expression and self-determination. The red pill is to teach him to be alive to the ethos of his being, and his own possibilities based on his inherent capabilities without regard and influence to systems designed and built to hold him down and to tune down his masculinity.

More often than not, it has been propagated by society that it is okay for the man to be feminine in nature, to be touchy, feel too much and emotional, to take on the psychology and behavioral persona of the woman and even act like one and exist like one, stripping him of his masculinity which is supposed to be consistent with his gender, all this aimed at making the society less patriarchal, because you now have men who think and behave like women. This agenda and several others are being politicized in the annals of power and legislature with the passing into laws and constitution bills which put the man at a disadvantage in the home, and society, so that ancient cultures both in family and society are being eroded with ease without recourse to how these affect the future of the man.

Strong masculine men Source: Pexel-anush-gorak
Strong masculine men Source: Pexel-Anush-Gorak

Another very important aspect the red pill philosophy emphasizes is the relationship that subsists between the man and the woman and the society. There has been an unprecedented change in the way men and women relate to each other in the recent decades, this is clearly seen in the decline in the number of marriages and an increase in the number of divorce rates. This is due mainly to the fact that the home front is no longer balanced as it used to be in earlier times, when the roles of the man and woman in the home is clearly defined and where each understand their position and their duties, with clearly defined authority and leadership.

It is true that most of the problems the society face today is due to the fact that the family unit is no longer strong and sustainable as it used to be in earlier times and has failed in many ways, this can be attributed to the shallowness of the love, respect and honor between the man and woman, largely due to the confusion of roles and responsibilities of each party, power tussle, shared leadership, varied opinions, mistrust, dissension between them. The increase in the number of divorces and reduction in marriage rates is a reflection of a system that is not working. Yet marriage is still heavily advertised and forced to exist because it empowers the woman and gives her a pseudo sense of authority and leadership in the scheme of things.

The idea of giving her freedom and legitimacy to determine her own self, to work, to share authority and leadership both in the home and society as instigated laws and regulations which have changed and overturn the dynamics of society from what it used to be; stable, family-centric, progressive, patriarchal, and loving. As compared to what it is today; a partnership, failing relationships and strife between both sexes, uncoordinated display of authority, penetration of feminism in almost every aspect of society, femininization of systems to influence strength and standards, the bias influence of feminism over the family court system, an imbalanced society where the man is losing his authority, leadership, influence and identity.

These and others are some of the reasons why the red pill philosophy is being founded and encouraged. It enables the man who finds and imbues it to see through the skims and deception of a rising femineity being unleashed on the society and her systems, to see beyond the subtle agenda of equality and liberalism and behold the infestation of a movement that is poised to weaken the society, overturn it and steal leadership from the man, infiltrate his identity with feminine nuances and mentality.

Who Is Red Pilled and Blue Pilled?

Anyone who has come to the knowledge of the red pill and has chosen to swallow it instead of the blue pill is said to have been red pilled, that is; having the consciousness of the philosophy and ideologies of the red pill, embracing the enlightenment it gives and living life consciously in line with this consciousness.

Anyone who is blue pilled is he who still remain ignorant about the truth of the happenings in the world especially as it affects the male gender, his struggles and strive for survival in a world that is being restructured by feminism, by deceptions and manipulations, political coercion in favor of women rights over that of men.

Here you will find the definitions and meaning of common terms used in the RedPill community.

Influence of Religion in Programming Men to Be Blue Pilled

Before the advent of religion and its widespread acceptance, society was governed by cultures, traditions and customs which clearly demonstrated the leadership and complete control of the home and society by the man, while he was the lord and king of it all including the woman, who by law was deemed his property, he determined the manner of life and privilege that accrues to her. He had and wield rights which were unquestionable, he was allowed to be polygamous if he wanted to, to have as many wives as he wanted to, including mistresses as he desired. He ruled the home and govern the society solely while the woman tend to the household affairs and children. The roles were clearly defined and respected. The man enjoyed and expressed in full his masculinity to the utmost.

When men began to accept and hold religious beliefs, quite a number of the religious doctrines and principles were at variance with the already established system of living and culture of the day. The teachings and admonishing of religion began to cause a major shift in the culture and traditions of the man, especially as it affects the home, his chastity and relationship with his wives. It is by these men began to be monogamous, sticking to only one wife at a time.

Religion, especially Church blessings did a lot to improve the lot of wives, men were taught to show greater respect for their wives and even forbid them from divorcing. Christian doctrine declared that the two shall be one flesh, giving the husband and wife exclusive access to each other’s body. This put new pressure on men to remain sexually faithful unlike before when he had no religious inclination. However, the church still held that the men were the head of the families, with their wives submitting to their wishes. It is through this process and period that women began to enjoy better treatment and freedom, because men became religious and saw sense in seeing their wives as been more than just their property but a part of themselves that should be cherished and honored as their religious faith suggested.

Many people still wonder if the church is a blue pill indoctrination camp or a or salvation ground. Before now, marriage had nothing whatsoever to do with love, men married women for socio and economic reasons, children were betrothed to each other to further family interest and properties. Men did as they pleased and the society was completely patriarchal, men had absolute authority and leadership and their words were law binding in the home and society. However, when religion happened, it brought with it love and selflessness, and with love came reorientation of the mind and soul to that which was deemed appropriate and socially correct; the treatment of women as human beings and partners and not as properties that owned to one to be mistreated.

Religion from history has always made men soft, gentle, forgiving, loving and peaceful. The natural man without no religion or inclination to any faith was often a brute, just as its still present in our society today, those guided by principles and doctrines are more likely to have better marriages and relationships than those that are not and they are more likely to be simps and vulnerable to societal pressure, feminism and social liberalism than those that are not, this is because they hold in high esteem something greater than themselves or a thought higher than theirs. For these women should be most grateful.

Red pill / blue pill Prayerful men masculine men Source: Pexels-mart-production-7220101
Red pill / blue pill Prayerful men masculine men Source: Pexels-mart-production-722010

The ancient man was completely red-pilled, he was no simp, he understood the world around him, this is why he often went to war, he understood women and what place they should occupy, he created the laws and established the systems of things, of both government and politics, he loved but also did as he pleased until religion came to play. Today, man is completely programmed to act completely opposite to what his ancestors used to be. Religion changed his culture, adulterated his thinking, his tradition and his proclivities. Over the centuries and years, man has been told what way to behave, what to believe, how to act, what to know, how to learn, and how to manifest his masculinity.

The modern man is nothing like the ancient man, he is far more intelligent but far more physically and emotionally weak, far richer yet far more disrespected and dishonored, he is far more exposed yet far more disillusioned. All because he has been programmed through the years by the teachings and doctrines of religion.

Liberal ideology and feminism have had a negative impact on women. For instance, feminism tells women that they should not do something purely for the pleasure of a man. Feminism teaches women to be self-aware of their own thoughts, interests, and rights. In a marriage, this is an extremely damaging dynamic. If a wife wishes to have a happy marriage, she must realize that sex is like oxygen to her husband. She must understand that honoring her husband in this field is fundamental to her calling as a wife. Is it possible for certain men to be unreasonable? Sure, certain men’s perceptions are distorted as a result of their encounters with porn or promiscuity. Such are issues that must be resolved. In general, however, all partners should strive to please one another in the bedroom as prescribed by the bible.

In theory, the issue of sexual consent was resolved when you took your vows. When you said “I do,” you vowed to be physically accessible to your partner. Another way to deal with feelings of idolatry is to remind the partner who refuses sex of the vows (assuming they had a traditional wedding service). A couple says nothing about their emotions, present or future, in their wedding vows. What they do promise is a potential course of action against one another, whatever happens. They pledge to help one another in times of illness, poverty, and other adversity. Feelings aren’t really a consideration. Again, emotions are wonderful, but they never decide the scope of our responsibilities. If you want to do your job, that’s great; doing your duty should be enjoyable. However, if you don’t feel like doing your job, do it anyway and hope that your emotions agree with where they should be. Again, feelings are servant, not master. 1 Corinthians 7:5, not romantic feelings, is your rule in marriage. Desire cannot be negotiated, but neither can duty.

In March 2021, Missouri Pastor was sent on Leave and subjected to counseling after advising married women to lose weight and become more attractive to their husbands.

Missouri Pastor on Leave After Encouraging Married Women to Lose Weight and Be More Attractive for Their Husband.

The Influence of Media in Programming Men to Be Blue Pilled

Media has been another tool by which men have been recalibrated and programmed through the years. No medium has a far wider reach except of course the internet now than media. Media could reach more people in a minute than any one man can in his entire lifetime. This is what makes media powerful.

Over the decades as men began to realize the power of media and how to leverage it for their own interest, it has become a powerful tool for political and socio machinations, it has been used for good and for bad. To construct and deconstruct the mindset of people. It has a make-believe capability; people believe anything they see in the media. Anyone who intends to reach and influence people in whatever capacity to spread propaganda or divulge information knows how effective and efficient media is.

The media influences people’s behavior, the media can manipulate, persuade and pressure society along with even controlling the world at times in both positive and negatives, mentally, physically and emotionally. Controversial stories are reported and released with no reliance of it being fact or not. The public is meant to believe everything they’re told and not question it.

Today the media is everywhere and can easily get to places if need be through breaking news. According to Global Web Index; 54% of daily media time is online. Also, on atypical day, 12% of people watch online TV, 10% listen to online radio, 12% read online press, 28% use social networking sites, 13% are micro-blogging, 9% read and write blogs, and 17% do other things. This means there is constant access to news and the goings on in the world, with the aid of links from social media sites as you can receive news so quickly, all information whether its true, false or opinion.

The media can influence the way people are viewed, which means people’s careers can change within a flash. The media can also manipulate people in the spotlight to lead their life in a particular way, or to rebel against what they should be like.

Wikipedia has this to say; media influence the culture of individuals, or an audience’s thoughts, attitudes and behaviour. Whether written, televised or spoken, mass media reaches a large audience. Mass media’s role and effect in shaping modern culture are central issues for study of culture.

The influence of mass media has an effect on many aspects of human life, which can include, voting a certain way, individual view and beliefs or skewing a person’s knowledge of a specific topic due to being provided false information. The overall influence of mass media has increased drastically over the years and will continue to do so as media itself improves.

Bryant and Zillmann defined media effects as “the social, cultural and psychological impact of communicating via the mass media, its effect is far-reaching on both the individual and society.

The relationship between politics and the mass media is closely related for the reason that media is a source in shaping public opinion and political beliefs. Media is at times referred to as the fourth branch of government in democratic countries. It also establishes its influence among powerful institutions such as legislation, through its medium different social groups are able to influence the decision-making that involves child safety, gun control, feminism, gender discussions and many more.

Gillette Advert on Men on How to Behave as Typical Example of Blue Pill Programming in the Media

Here is an advertisement made by a popular razor brand for men used for shaving, that got lots of traction and reactions as it was made to encourage the feminization of men, and paint the traditional masculinity as toxic and downright bad. This is just one of a million other ways in which men are been reshaped by the propaganda of media and society.

Mainstream media representations play a major role in reinforcing ideas about what it means to be a real man in our society. In most portrayals, male characters are rewarded for self-control and the control of others, aggression and violence and financial independence and physical desirability.

In 1999, Children Now, a California-based organization that examines the impact of media on children and youth, released a report titled Boys to Men: media messages about masculinity. The report argues that the media’s portrayal of men tends to reinforce men’s social dominance.

The report observes that:

  • The majority of male characters in media are heterosexual.
  • Male characters are often associated with the public sphere of work, rather than the private sphere of the home, and issues and problems related to work are more significant than personal issues.
  • Non-white male characters are more likely to experience personal problems and are more likely to use physical aggression or violence to solve those problems.

These narratives are plaguing the media and certain social groups and they intend to alter it, this they have begun to achieve by using the media to push agendas that try to femininize the man, reduce his masculinity and at the home front destroys any man who resists by using family law codes which all of the time favors the woman and leaves the man drained and wasted.

Through the media, the masculine male is told that it is okay and necessary to not be masculine, to not be a traditional male figure but the version of male the society wants him to be; a weak, dependent, sensitive, touchy, sissy-like individual and whose only importance as a man to the society is his reproductive organ and not his character, personality, mentality and physicality. These are not necessary or needed, to be accepted and described as a good man and a role model for younger boys he must definitely become a feminine — male, a simp and a man that put women on a pedestal.

There has certainly been an overall influence of media to shape, reconstruct and program men to be blue pilled. As discussed earlier, the ancient and traditional male is red pilled by nature, he is not a push around, he is decisive and a go-getter. He is certainly different from the modern man that exist today. This is as a result of the programming and continuous programming by certain social feminist movement who have found powers in government and mass media and are continuously pushing the agenda to femininize men, because they believe it will result to a better society and better treating of women and children, whereas in the true sense of things it is making the society worse and weak, for when you have two sexes who are now almost equal in drive, strength, intellect and capacity, then you have a society that has become weak, because the many more weaker men that exist, the weaker the society becomes. Leadership and management of the society and family will certainly become a thing to worry about.



Derrick Lawson
Derrick Lawson

Written by Derrick Lawson

I love to travel and I have been to all countries on earth (Virtually). I am a content creator and research enthusiast on politics, health and cultures.

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