The Red Pill: What Is Red Pill and Why Is The Red Pill Community Growing in 2021?

Derrick Lawson
15 min readMar 9, 2021

Red Pill is trending almost everywhere worldwide and we will explore the reasons why the red pill community is growing rapidly in 2021. As you might have been told by the mass media, the Red Pill is not about hate for women, but how feminism has exposed women.

Red pill or blue pill-What is the red pill and why is red pill community growing fast
What it means to take the red pill or blue pill

In this article you will learn the following things:

  • What is Red Pill?
  • What Does it Mean to Take The Red Pill?
  • Why The Red Pill Community is Fast Growing in 2021
  • What Does The Red Pill Focus On
  • 20 Red Pill Wisdom
  • Red Pill Branches
  • Where to Learn More About The Red Pill Philosophy

What is Red Pill?

Red pill is the awareness that goes against social norms. We have been primed to be one-dimensional thinkers and the Red pill philosophy tends to elevate the way we see and think from one-dimensional view to multi-dimensional angles. Basically, seeing beyond what we are shown or told. If you want to buy a car, you do not solely base your buying decision on the exterior health and the paint on the car, you want to judge the state and health of the car by investigating the engine, transmission, and mileage to determine if you are making a good purchase or not. The same thing applies to the red pill, redpillers do not accept everything being told or shown solely just by its face value or emotions it emits, but rather accept things by the way of reasoning, analysis and logic.

The term red pill originally comes from the 1999 film The Matrix, in which the protagonist, Neo, was asked by Morpheus if he would take the red pill or the blue pill. The Red Pill would reveal the harsh, bitter truth about the world, while the Blue Pill would transport him back to Fairytale Land, where everything appears to be perfect and blissful on the surface.

What Does it Mean to Take The Red Pill?

Contrary to popular belief in the mass media, Taking the Red Pill does not imply that you despise women or any other group of people. The Red Pill touches on all aspects of life, including relationships, wellness, business, politics, and more. Taking the Red Pill means seeing through deceptions and manipulations, and not using general emotion and sentiment as the first stop of making a decision, but the thorough application of experience, analysis, and logic before making a decision

On May 17, 2020, Elon Musk Tweeted “Take the red pill” and the media went into a frenzy because few people in the know don’t want such information to be propagated by high-caliber individuals in society. Soon after Donald Trump’s daughter Ivanka Trump replied his tweet with “Taken!”

Ivanka Trump and Lilly Wachowski After Elon Musk Tweeted Take the red pill on Twitter
Ivanka Trump and Lilly Wachowski’s Replies After Elon Musk Tweeted Take the Red pill on Twitter

It appeared that Elon Musk might have mentioned the red pill while referring to business or societal awareness. Most times the red pill knowledge is often used in the relationship paradigm between men and women because this is where most people in life experience long live problems. It is our biological imperative to procreate, subconsciously all that we do in life is to ultimately get a quality mate, reproduce, leave our legacy and die.

Be fruitful and multiply… — Genesis. 1:28

To fulfill what was ordained upon us by God, we are knowingly or unknowingly constantly trying to find a way to solve our reproductive problem. Technological advancement and new liberal progressive ideas have destabilized the relationship dynamics plus female empowerment which is not bad in itself has brought a new understanding of the male-female intersexual dynamics.

With hypergamy coupled with modern technology, men often crash and burn by approaching and maintaining modern relationships using the old ways and the red pill has been the only philosophy that is keeping men, both young and old up to speed on how best to approach relationships in the modern era.

Why The Red Pill Community is Fast Growing in 2021?

The reason for the rapid growth of the Red Pill community is that many men are seeing what is happening in the media and how they are being disenfranchised by the media, school system, divorce court, politics and workplace.

People all over the world are now experiencing rude awakening that

  1. The reward of being a good decent human is almost non-existent anymore.
  2. More marriages are crashing due to incentives given to women as a reward for a failed marriage.
  3. The media is engaging in the incessant systemic weakening of masculinity and masculine principles.
  4. Delinquent behaviors are promoted under the aegis of “freedom”, “empowerment” and “choice”.
  5. Propagation of ideas promoting victimhood that everyone is a victim of racism, religious bigotry, toxic patriarchy, and so on.

As a result of unrestricted empowerment and choices, the rate of destruction of marriage and family is at an alarming rate. The easiest way to destroy any society is to start from the family, once the family is destroyed every other thing will follow. Men in marriage who thought they were in “love” lose all they have worked for overnight to someone who had sworn heaven and earth to love and honor them.

Women are fundamentally incapable of loving the way men do and expect to be loved, i.e Unconditional love is bs. Women love opportunistically — Rollo Tomassi

Every other week there is news about splits and divorce amongst family, friends, acquaintances, and high-profile celebrities. By now, many people especially men are figuring out that the soul mate thing is nothing but an illusion. Soul mate has been heavily promoted in movies and songs in the past decades, many young folks believe their “better half” would always be around joining hands in building long-lasting relationships until it got done on them that their partner is the arms of a better man. As a result, a number of men have questioned and sought answers in all possible ways. Men are realizing everyone has similar stories with regards to relationships with women and all women are behaving in almost a similar predictable pattern.

To understand what is red pill, you will need to grasp the concept of Hypergamy. Hypergamy is the instinctual desire in women to search for the “best” man they can get. Women will vehemently reject many suitors or love proposals by what is known as shit-tests. Shit-testing is a vetting tool used by women to decide if a man is a true alpha or beta, and whether he would be able to provide and protect her and her offspring.

In a woman, hypergamy does not fully end because she tends to revalidate whether she is with “the best.” If her partner fails several of her shit-tests or she knows she is with a weak man, she will usually move on to the next alpha male.

Hypergamy is evolutionary and it has been the survival mechanism for wowen in the past, while hypergamy is not bad in it self. However, if hypergamy is not moderated it destablises the relationship dynamics. Feminism ensures hypergamy in continuum, divorce is an ultimate expression of hypergamy.

Hypergamy in men and women
Hypergamy in Men and Women

A woman’s ideal partner is someone who is superior to her, A man’s ideal wife is someone who is beneath him.

The Red Pill communities are growing as men are coming together to become one and they are offering advice and support for one another. Many men have claimed to have gained mental clarity after learning about the red pill knowledge on forums and numerous men have regained their sanity after taking the Red Pill.

What Does The Red Pill Focus On?

The red pill encourages you to focus on “you”. You will have fewer regrets in life if you make yourself your priority in life. Men are the last person in a relationship and they are continually encouraged to be the least important person right after the woman, kids, the pets, and others. Although it might sound selfish, you can not go wrong putting your own need first. Red pill encourages men to work hard to achieve results by putting themselves first, rather than going through hell to make someone else happy.

Rather than wasting time, energy, and money chasing women, find out what your life’s goal is and how you can make a meaningful difference in the world.

If you don’t put yourself on the pedestal, you’ll always worship all and sundry, including women.

It’s pointless walking through fire to make someone else happy all the time. The modern relationship dynamic is predicated upon women’s happiness. I'm certain you have heard “Happy wife, happy life”, “Girls just wanna have fun”, “Always treat that woman right” the growing undeniable statistics have shown that it is impossible to sustain another human being’s happiness and certainly not your woman. The divorce rate statistics is inching close to 50% in many places in the world with almost 80% of women pressing the eject button out of the marriage because they feel they are “not happy”.

Many celebrities have been summoned to divorce court because their wives are no longer happy, as well as other petty reasons such as “We grew out of love,” “Irreconcilable differences.”. The Red Pill tends to tackle the root causes of the increasing rate of failed relationships and proposes the best cause of action for men and women alike.

20 Red Pill Wisdom

Red pill wisdom is the folk knowledge the opposite of what you were taught in school, by media, and by your parents on how to best to view and treat life, people, get and maintain “romantic” partners.

  1. True “love” is a myth, true love is about sacrifice not what one stands to benefit from. The only woman who has the ability to consistently love you unconditionally is your mother.
  2. If you are looking for a quick way to be resented by a woman give her everything she wants.
  3. Women are hypergamous, men are polygamous. Women are down for the quality, men are looking for quantity. It is innate!
  4. You’re all a means to an end for her - you are a disposable tool.
  5. Money should be your goal, not women. You will lose money chasing women. You’re playing on hard mode if you don’t have some form of wealth or possess a superhuman genetics, women will show up when you have money. Money is not a universal solvent, but all is better with money.
  6. Women are very dualistic in nature. She’ll put on a strong outward good girl persona while secretly engaging in depravity. We all know that sleeping around lowers a woman’s worth. They are all aware of this. Rather than waiting on their own man they would mess around and repackage themselves for the unsuspecting “Mr. White Knight” who will get nothing more than drama and heartaches after paying a high price for what others got for free.
  7. She establishes rules for Beta and breaks the same rules for Alpha. If she imposes rules on you, talk to your leg and flee; there is no hope for you.
  8. Males who are effeminate and females who are masculine are unacceptable. We’re wired to support women and honor men, not the other way around. Men gain respect (and thus social power) by being dominant, while women gain social power by being pitied. The opposite isn’t true.
  9. The higher your sexual market value, the more appealing you become, the more difficult it is to get rid of you. Regardless, you’re already a disposable product.
  10. The journey of self-discovery and success is a lonely business, you should be comfortable with being alone while working on your crafts. Friends and family can be huge distractions.
  11. You are constantly encouraged to get in touch with your emotions and you think exposing your flaws shows respect and better communication. You think you’ll be able to bond through your misery. The moment she sees your weakness you will become repulsive. She has little regard for your vulnerability and your struggle. Women are looking for a forte to lean on.
  12. When she’s with a submissive man, she puts her happiness first. When she’s with a dominant man, she puts his needs first. Having the dominant man happy also makes her happy. Since the pleasure of the submissive man has no bearing on her, so she deems it irrelevant.
  13. Before making a serious commitment, a real man should look into a woman’s background and vet her thoroughly. This is usually ignored by “good men”. Women who can not bond have red flags for sake of your future sanity you must not ignore or miss them.
  14. Real men, good men, gentlemen, Man who stepped up. etc. are terms ruthlessly pulled by women and the feminine correct society to remind a man and shame him into fulfilling women’s selfish needs! Their true desire is the opposite of the aforementioned type of men. The jerks are the ones they invest their youth on.
  15. Women are just interested in your victories, not your struggles.
  16. Unless you have enough savings to own the organization are working for. Always have your resignation letter ready the second day you start a new job.
  17. Female empowerment is a big way for women to get stuff they don’t deserve. Men who support such ideology always learn the HARD WAY.
  18. When it comes to dealing with women, it’s not about the money, the fun, and it’s certainly not about the way you look. It’s your power and ability to keep her on her toe, let her understand, you have options and you can always walk away. You’re not going to put up with her nonsense, whining, or negative vibes. Let her know her options is either to comply or say goodbye.
  19. Your struggle is your headache. Women don’t care about your struggles, they wait at the finish line and pleasure the winners.
  20. While it’s good to have a strategy in life, hope is not a strategy. Feminist and feminine women are good for relationships in their own way, but entering a long-term relationship i.e marriage with a feminist is the biggest hope.
Blue pill and feminist definition of “Real man” who stepped up.
Blue pill and feminist definition of “Real man” who stepped up.

The Red Pill Branches

The Red Pill community has been divided into many sub-groups over time due to varying final beliefs of understanding what is going on and the best course of action to adapt to the changes in the society based on options available. The list below highlights the various sub-groups of Red pill.

  • Men Going Their Own Way (MGTOW): Basically means men retreating from society by reducing engagement with women by not dating, not marrying, and being minimalistic. The most common justification is that formally defined partnerships, such as marriage, carry the possibility of losing a significant amount of assets and potential income in the event of a divorce, with current figures from 2010 indicating that there is a strong likelihood of a marriage ending in divorce and that women initiate the vast majority of divorces. Another reason for men going MGTOW is the belief that intimate relationships increase the risk of false allegations such as cancel-culture and the #metoo.
  • Purple Pill: Purple is a color that falls in the middle of the red-blue spectrum, thus, the purple pill tries to find a balance between being blue pill and being red pill. The purplepillers understand the happiness and pure bliss that come with being ignorant, but they also take into cognizance that fantasy is an abstract that cannot be lived in. Thus, purplepillers also want to see the reality for what it truly is, even if the real world is depressingly harsh. The purplepillers understand modern women, the liberty the law offers them, and all the red pill cautionary note, but the fantasy/temporary self of fulfillment of being chivalrous, wedding, supporting a family cannot be weaned off despite understanding that the marriage boat will capsize with high probability.
  • Black Pill: Redpillers and blackpillers have almost identical views, but redpillers believe men can boost their dating situation by various social manipulation and self-improvement techniques (bodybuilding, financial improvement, and confidence). Blackpillers believe that looks is everything in life, and romantic success with women is unlikely given the feminist movement, which ensures that women’s hypergamy is enhanced at all ages. They claim that true attraction will never develop unless they pay a love peddler or make a lot of money (wagemaxx) to hold a woman around before she becomes bored and cheats with a man with superior looks and genetics, typically referred to as a Chad or Tyrone. Depressive episodes, nihilism, pessimism, and cynicism are often associated with blackpillers. Realizing that the game is heavily stacked against them and that the only way to win is to not play at all.
    They sometimes make funny jokes about themselves, using terms such as cope, rope, suifuel, and it’s over, it is not over it never began.
  • Free Agent Lifestyle: Is another sub-branch of the manosphere/red pill that is gaining popularity is the Free Agent Lifestyle.
    In today’s world, where there is doubt about masculinity, purpose, and finances, the Free Agent Lifestyle provides advice on the best way to survive. Men always attempt to obey social norms blindly, oblivious to the complexities of modern life. Men have been conditioned to please others and women, but not to please themselves, but being a free agent means you’re not agreeing to be bound by any contract or bond that will punish you and turn you into an eternal slave. Coach Greg Adams popularised the “free agent lifestyle.” Unlike the black pill and MGTOW, the Free Agent Lifestyle allows men to seek peace, quiet, and freedom, even if it means foregoing a long-term partnership, cohabitation, and marriage.
  • Men’s Right Activist(MRA): Is a group of pro men and women, mostly from the Western world, who believe that society is gynocentric. Traditional conservatives (Tradcons), both men and women, make up the majority of MRAs. They agree that men should not be held legally accountable for the acts of women who make poor decisions in relationships. The person who called off a marriage engagement should not be compensated financially (virtually always the woman receiving compensation). Women are notorious for exploiting this by ‘gold-digging’ or faking love and then breaking off engagements or blackmailing men with whom they were engaged.
  • Involuntary Celibate (Incels): Incel is often misunderstood because it means different things to different people. The term is used by scholars and self-identified incels to describe the literal situation of being celibate against one’s will. In mainstream cultures, however, “incel” also refers to a hateful misogynist and/or an involuntarily celibate individual who is a member of a hateful misogynist online group. They are quickly thrown under the bus whenever there is a violent attack and there have been moves in the past to class them as a terrorist group even though it is alleged that none of the violent attackers was on any incel forums such as . Their greatest desire is to establish a sincere relationship based on genuine desire rather than monetary transactions, and as a consequence of their status and environment. Genuine desire is difficult to come by. The majority of incels are virgin males in their 20s and 30s who have never ascended, meaning they have never had any intimacy with a female without paying for professional love peddlers. Prostitution is an imperfect sexual experience because it lacks sexual validation, which is a crucial component of most relationships.
  • Introspective Black Men of Reform (IBMOR): There are mostly black men who are committed to “self-study and self-improvement” with the aim of improving the lives of black men in America and lessening the effects of over-feminization. When it comes to single motherhood in America, the black community is the demographic that has been hit the hardest. IBMOR is not part of the incels community. They claim that women should not be granted any kind of power in society over men. They agree that homosexuality and lesbianism should not be forced or encouraged because it can create confusion in the family structure of society. They also believe that arguing with women is pointless. Women have a special capacity to “feel” the world around them. They don’t really know about the world in a broader sense. So you can’t persuade a woman to change her mind with debates or logic. This is group is also close to SYBM(Save Your Selves Black Man) in terms of ideology.

Where to Learn More About The Red Pill Philosophy?

Red pill is not something you know or learn like a bootcamp, It is a long life knowledge you gain over time. You can learn about red pills on Youtube videos, books, and some forums. Some creators are not openly creating content about the red pill, but they have many contents you can learn from.

  • Red Pill YouTube Content Creators: Rollo Tomassi, Coach Greg Adams, Better Bachelors, Kevin Samuels, and Chronicles of Judah, CRP .
  • Red Pill Books on Amazon: Rationale Male( Rollo Tomassi), Book of Numbers(Aaron Clarey), Free Agent Lifestyle and Devolution (Coach Greg Adams)
  • Forums:,
  • The Bible: The book of Genesis, Ecclesiastes, and Proverbs.
  • The Red Pill Movie: Cassie Jaye’s documentary The Red Pill Movies is a really well-made documentary that comes from a mostly impartial perspective. The documentary’s aim is to portray the other side of gender inequality. How men are severely disadvantaged, and how society turns a deaf ear to their plight. Feminist Cassie Jaye met with men’s rights activists and interviewed them about their cause. She also conducts interviews with feminists to obtain their perspectives.
Coach Red Pill: Recognize and Avoid Women Who Are Damaged Goods

All past sacrifice is null and void if your continued association does not provide her with a tangible benefit. To simplify: if you cannot help her now, she does not care if you helped her before — Briffault’s Law

The contents provided from the resources above are worth the time and quite frankly man of the red pill content might sound like it is mainly on women, but you will definitely learn about a lot of things other things about business, work, finance, health, and life in general with the resources provided.

Red pill is an important assignment for every man.



Derrick Lawson

I love to travel and I have been to all countries on earth (Virtually). I am a content creator and research enthusiast on politics, health and cultures.